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In our latest survey, for November-December 2024, we are asking about your experiences of travelling for NHS care.

Click here to share your story through our December-January 2024/2025 survey.

Thank you for sharing your lived experience to influence and inform positive change! story-image

Your insights have been shared with UK Governments, healthcare services, Ministers, Westminster and Whitehall and have contributed to important successes:

  • In late 2021, Prime Minister Boris Johnson confirmed that a UK-wide strategy for Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) and other
    neurological conditions will be developed and work has already started on the implementation process.
  • NHS England and NHS Improvement prioritised neurology and neurosurgery services as part of elective care recovery.
  • Insights taken from NeuroLifeNow have been shared with more than 450 health and care professionals, NHS managers,
    commissioners and providers across the UK.
  • New educational materials are being developed to support mental health services to reach people with neurological